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Juicing Products
     AIM BarleyLife
AIM Cocoa Leaf Greens
AIM Garden Trio
AIM Just Carrots
AIM Peak Endurance
AIM ProPeas
AIM RediBeets
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Juicing Products

Juicing, and the benefits of a juicing program, have long been recognized around the world. Juicing adds to the benefits of fruits and vegetables. Because juicing removes fiber, the important nutrients and phytochemicals found in plants are absorbed more easily by our bodies. The 100% pure juice concentrated powder formulations are easily blended for a quick and easy juicing program.

Consider the relative benefits:
  • You do not need any cumbersome machinery (blender or a juicer) because these concentrated products shake up easily in a glass.
  • There is none of the mess normally associated with a juice extractor.
  • There is no need to stand in long supermarket check-out lines getting your fresh vegetables.
  • You're not restricted to your kitchen in order to implement a healthy juicing program. You can take the AIM products virtually anywhere - at home, the office, in the car, in the classroom, anywhere!!
Most important of all, you'll be providing your body with all the basic human nutrition, including carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins, and minerals. Introduce your body to AIM's juicing products - your body will be glad you did!

AIM BarleyLife AIM BarleyLife Capsules AIM BarleyLife Xtra
BarleyLife Powder AIM BarleyLife is a superior green barley powder. Highly nutritious and packed with chlorophyll; contains no sweeteners. BarleyLife Caps Vegan capsules which capture consistently higher levels of nutrition. BarleyLife Xtra The best tasting, all natural, green barley juice on the market today.
12.7 or 6.3 oz Powder
Retail USD: 65.00
Your Price USD: 56.00
280 Capsules
Retail USD: 54.00
Your Price USD: 46.00
12.7 oz Powder
Retail USD: 71.00
Your Price USD: 60.00
Qty: Size
AIM Just Carrots AIM GardenTrio AIM Redi Beets
JustCarrots Provides a convenient and effective way to add beta carotenoids, alpha carotenids, and vitamin C to your diet. GardenTrio These barley, beet and carrot juicing concentrates are perfect for any juicing program. RediBeets Provides one of the most convenient ways to achieve an improved diet with iron supplementation.
14.1 oz Powder
Retail USD: 51.50
Your Price USD: 45.00
Retail USD: 151.00
Your Price USD: 132.50
8.8 oz Powder
Retail USD: 43.50
Your Price USD: 39.00
AIM CoCoa LeafGreens AIM Peak Endurance energy booster AIM ProPeas for natural protein
Cocoa LeafGreens Combines barley leaf, spinach, kale, arugula, Swiss chard, and broccoli sprout powder. Also contains a three-part mixture of cocoa powders. PeakEndurance A great tasting sports drink proven to elevate ATP levels within the body. ProPeas Provides 12 grams of protein in a low-sugar, low-carb, low-fat concentrate.
6.35 oz Powder
Retail USD: 52.50
Your Price USD: 45.00
10.6 oz Powder
Retail USD: 51.50
Your Price USD: 44.00
16 oz Powder
Retail USD: 52.50
Your Price USD: 45.00

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Product prices and charges are subject to change without notice. AIM products are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, mitigate or prevent a disease or illness. Results may vary per person.